One of my favorite is THE FOUNDERS by Jimmy Suni.

It is thought of as the definitive story of Paypal, but it’s much more. The author captures an incredible time in modern history, and covers a lot of CEO swapping as well as Musk’s and Thiel’s rise to what they are today –– the richest person in the world and one of the most influential arch-convervatives alive. It’s very well researched and detailed and a great read if you’re a nerd. 

Musk and Thiel and other key young PayPal people make tons of critical decisions, some wrong and some right. In hindsight they are happy to review and criticize their early decisions, even laugh at themselves. That’s easier to do when you were part of such a great win. 

One standout character is Max Levchin, a pure engineer-entrepreneur who connected with Thiel early. They made a great combination of 2 founders and planted the seeds for email based payments by mobile phone in 1997. That became the giant innovation that still drives PayPal today.

Some other Silicon Valley Articles:        Tom Nora / Silicon Valley