“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” – – Aristotle

Find yourself a partner or two, ASAP. Don’t be too hasty, but having a partner makes an enormous difference. The #1 wish of most business minded founders is to have a technical partner, a “tech cofounder,” but they go about it all wrong. I can’t drive around Silicon Valley without thinking of Hewlett and Packard, one of the best partnerships in history. They were both technical, quite similar in some ways but there were also several lesser known major differences in their personalities and beliefs. They supported each other to the end and made everything around them stronger because of it. A great partnership is about equality in the right places, and if it is maintained, the resulting energy is much more than the sum of its parts. In most great partnerships it’s impossible to discern who the leader is; both partners support the other almost more than themselves.

#startups #software #india



This article is a quick note to answer the many inquiries I get about finding the perfect cofounder.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been casually looking for someone to work with, to develop and market a suite of mobile applications (iOS, Android) for the entertainment world. I’m describing this other person variously as a cofounder, partner, CTO, and collaborator.

The focus has been on someone with the right combination of technical experience/excellence, mutual chemistry, plus the right timing and inclination in their lives to do this.

I’ve asked around, talked to friends and even put a little ad in craigslist in Los Angeles. Through all this there have been many responses, some very positive, and some pretty weird. I realized what I’m doing is inadvertently conducting a social experiment here.

The explosion of mobile phones and mobile apps has created an almost visceral response when you mention mobile, or Droid, or especially iPhone, or iPad. Everyone wants to have a connection with it, whip out their smartphone, show you their aquarium screen saver.

You either have one or wish you did. When I was a child, it was having the newest Schwinn bike, in a cool color. $37.95. Or the latest hot record album. You either had them or wished you did.

Now it’s another computer device that you can carry with you, is “always on”, and can do almost everything (and plays the latest hot album). Suddenly waiting in line somewhere you can instantly become productive if you want, or play a game.

If you carry this one step further – actually being involved in developing and deploying mobile apps, it’s even more compelling. A higher level way to become part of the society and possibly make some money.


The focus should be more on the functionality or enjoyment or how you’re improving the world, but it’s not – it’s more the idea of being part of this new baby-app world. The result is many apps and businesses that come and go quickly.

Over 2,200,000 iOS apps are deployed plus equal amounts of Android and others. Most are unused or have a short lifespan and very little revenue. It’s more of a hobby or personal challenge than a scalable business.

In looking for a co

founder, I’m searching for the combination that will allow us to build a long term growth company, scalable and adaptable over several years. I want to create long term jobs and products people will use. That’s not the sentiment of most CTO-types I talk to. They want Cash Now, to be paid for their work by the hour/project.


I see the economy has changed the focus to short term survival, not entrepreneurship (except in Silicon Valley). People believe they can learn app dev in 3-6 months and then create their own long term income, and they’re right on the mark in many cases.

Aside from revenue generation, mobile apps are needed for basic business existence in most areas. Almost all companies are retooling their public image while also increasing their ability to market real-time. The mobile phone/pad is becoming central to our lives, more than our computer in many cases.

I’m going to keep looking for a cofounder. I’ve been lucky enough to create a few new products in this world that stick, which creates the backbone of scalability,  I’m having more fun in this new domains than ever before. If you know anyone, send them my way. @tomnora @cowlow

Answer to question: How do I deal with my partner’s…

Answer to question: How do I deal with my partner’s…


How do I deal with my partner’s very extreme mood swings, knee jerk reactions and short temper?

tl;dr. Put it into a larger context, agree on a set of guidelines for acceptable behavior and communication.

Extreme emotions are never a good thing in a business setting, especially among partners. There’s an unwritten agreement among a leadership team that no one will go outside certain bounds of anger, mutual respect, and patience.

Usually when this happens there are other issues like lack of trust or perceived unfairness. In a partnership, often one member feels that they are doing more than the other(s), possibly feels incompetent and is trying to hide it, has personal issues or possibly several other problems.

The best thing to do is to lay it all out, talk about it, figure out definitively how to stop it. Don’t let it go on. Honestly discuss what is happening on both sides, and reinforce your desire to work with each other. If that doesn’t work, changes are needed before you damage the business.


How do you know?

I’ve stepped into the CEO role at several companies and have seen the emotional pain it causes founders to let go of the control and lose recognition. The problem usually resolves itself over time with building trust and paying proper attention to it, but not always.

The life of a Startup CEO – 3 full Time Jobs.

The life of a Startup CEO – 3 full Time Jobs.

This post has been one of my most popular on Quora. I originally wrote it in late 2012 when asked the question – What does it feel like to be a start-up mentor? (link to original post). In it I discuss the 3 full time jobs a real startup CEO has. If you read carefully I didn’t even actually answer the question properly, but I did touch on a few truths. 

One of the points of this is to realize that maybe yu shouldn’t try to be a startup ceo; most fail at it and are miserable. They Zalsohave a lot of fear that they can’t discuss with anybody – not their team not their investors, not their spouse, not the Board of Directors. All of those people have to be held at a bit of a distance. That’s often where I come in…


– – –

As a Startup Mentor to over 20 companies over 20 years, plus a few currently, I think the first question is what is the CEO going through? (See below) As thementor you need to empathize, coach, help, counsel and help the CEO develop the business.

What is the startup CEO going through?

Being the CEO of a startup is crazy, fun, very hard work, inclusive, humbling and of course can be quite rewarding. Weekends are meaningless. There is a continuous decision stream where each decision informs the next. Your mind is thinking 24 hours a day, even when you sleep.

When you’re the CEO of a startup, a real startup with product and some cash in the bank and/or revenue, there are 3 FULL TIME JOBS.

1. Raising Money – you are constantly doing this, preparing for this and thinking about this, whether it’s pre-seed, seed funding, debt, revenue, partnerships, IPO or other.

2. Managing and Properly Growing The Business – this includes several things, depending on the size of the enterprise: managing employees, administration, hiring, firing, leases, expenses, unhappy employees, fixing other problems, etc.

This piece is what often kills an otherwise great business, which justifys the case for less is more when it comes to employees and infrastructure.

3. Selling – The CEO of a startup must ABS, always be selling. You start every day working this, just like #1 above, they’re closely related. Using the CEO to close sales no matter what size the business is, is vital to success.

This piece emphasizes the importance of having an awesome, mature VP of Sales, if you can afford it; it takes a lot of pressure off and frees up the time of the CEO.

So the job of the mentor is to make sure everything progresses forward and your protege is staying out of the ditches. It requires strong mutual trust but if you have that, it can be a rewarding win-win experience.

Contact me if you’re dead serious and I can help you. The Startup CEO by Tom Nora

The first 6 months at Envato

The first 6 months at Envato

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the WordPress as a development platform world lately, kind of a new thing for me.

I’m finding many unexpected business advantages in this world for a group of websites I am building to bootstrap a few “baby startups”.

What this has done for me is vastly increase my interest in tactical data-driven marketing on the web –– growth hacking, content management, agile iterative web development and marketing, and yes, even SEO.

The ecosystem of WordPress is actually fascinating and lots of fun, full of solo-prenuers, bootstrapers, hackers, marketers and doers. It’s a somewhat different world than the VC funded startup world that is my day job.

The link below is one of the best interviews I’ve seen, from Collis Ta’eed, a very humble and honest guy who started Envato, a marketplace for web dev themes and many other creative resources.

In a very short time he covers to first 6 months of his company, unafraid to discuss failures, missteps and instances of pure luck. This is the opposite of many startup interviews where the founder claims brilliance and a smooth path and takes credit for everything.

Very inspiring, check it out…

The Greenshoe = how to repay all those that helped along the way.

The Greenshoe = how to repay all those that helped along the way.

How is it that so many people associated with startups reap the financial benefits, yet others just as close get no financial upside This is a source of frustration among many people in the startup sphere. Imagine if you’re in Silicon Valley right now with no equity in a tech startup, but associated with several people getting six figure “bonuses” because they somehow wound up with some stock in one.

The free parties (or not free) and swag and great stories and boat rides in the bay are nice. Sometimes you’ll even score an iPad or Apple TV, but it’s not the same as being one of the insiders.

Often as startups grow and maneuver their way through the jungle of success or failure, they have a lot of help from those around them.

Often many these people don’t have any equity or upside from their advise or moral support or money lending, or even the spare couch they let you sleep on when you were in their town.

If the startup actually makes it to an IPO, there is actually something you can do.

It’s called the “Greenshoe”. You have to be very careful about this, you can’t imply or promise anything in advance, and it only works when the company goes public, but the Greenshoe is an amazing award for those involved that don’t have equity.

The Greenshoe is an over-allotment of stock options, up to 15% of the total offering at time of IPO. You can offer these options to virtually anyone, friends, family, people who helped your company. Since they’re options, acquirers only exercise if the stock goes up, and have no downside risk or capital outlay.

Upon the IPO event, the option owner can gain the upside if the stock goes up over the initial offering price and essentially collect that difference.

I’ve used it a few times when I was lucky enough to be able to offer it to friends and family. Strangely enough, some people have declined, because they’re not sure it’s legal; they’ve never heard of it. Others have bought themselves a new Lexus with it.

Here’s more info on wikipedia:


The Greenshoe should provide motivation for all of us in the startup world to try to continuously build our company steadily, continuously and profitably and to know that you can make many peoples lives a little bit better by sharing the wealth. The rewards are pretty amazing.

Contact me at

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